Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Something Worth Being Part Of

I've found there is a simple truth in that when a spotlight is placed on a particular problem, it becomes easier and easier to see the smaller cracks that create the problem. In my experience, I've seen truth in the concept that a church looks like its leader, but my beliefs don't allow me to accept that that is the way it has to be.

I was reading an article called Hues in the Pews about a statistical study by one of the authors of "Divided by Faith." It has some great quotes in it, that I thought I would pass along.

First, "...In other words, few churches are going to grow because they have made integration for integration's sake a primary goal. 'Almost none of the multiracial churches that were successful had [integration] as their goal,' said co-investigator George Yancey of the University of North Texas. 'Something else was the goal that united them,' Yancey said. 'For evangelicals it was reaching the neighborhood and urban areas, and maybe for liberal mainline churches it would be the environment or social justice issues.'

My thoughts: All people want something to believe in. All people want something worth fighting for. All people want the chance to leave a legacy. I have never tied this to the cause of Diversity, but, due to my own circumstances of finding Christ and my own dispositions, this is one thing I am very passionate about: Focus. My church has vision. It has goals that every single person at that church understands and knows they can be a part of accomplishing. This is the first time I've ever experienced that, and the feeling of being part of something, being part of a movement is inspiring. Maybe fostering that feeling and getting behind something all types of people can understand (something like reaching the neighborhood and urban areas) is the first step.

That's all I have time for right now, but more shall come.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man! Great Stuff! That is awesome. Honestly, that makes more sense than some of the books I've read. The thing about divided by faith and reconciliation blues is that neither book give a lot of hope for how to change.
I love the call to a greater vision. A vision to change people's lives. Give people something to believe in and they'll come. I've heard a famous quote somewhere, light yourself on fire and everyone will come to watch you burn.
You're right, maybe the answer is as simple as loving the crap out of a specific urban neighborhood, and just responding to God's specific vision for a church.
I love how you said that all people want something worth fighting for. I know I do. I hate just doing things to do them. I want to do something for a reason. I want to live for something bigger than myself.
cool thoughts.

Matt said...

I also think inspiring passion in people and giving them something worth fighting for will make it easier dealing with something that makes them uncomfortable.